Skeith Stone, Kilrenny (Christmas 2016)

I wrote the following poem inspired by the Skeith Stone, a carved Pictish stone from the seventh century. It is in a field between our village of Anstruther and the neighboring village of Kilrenny in the East Neuk of Fife. In early Christian times there was a Celtic monastery in Kilrenny, associated with St Ethernan, and this stone probably marked the sacred boundaries of the community. From the stone one can look out to the sea to the lovely Isle of May, where there probably was a hermitage that later became a monastery until it was destroyed by the Vikings. I hope to write more poems inspired by early Celtic Christianity in Fife.


At Skeith Stone (Christmas 2016)

By Bill Hyland


Fields sloping down to cold grey sea,

Sun illuminating, clouds and gulls

dancing overhead,

Rushing on mysterious errands.


A timeless place;

Relentless seas pushing on the shore,

Then withdrawing their embrace,

A constant never ending dance.


But here,

Where headland overlooks

The waves,

And gaze drifts toward the sacred isle,

An ancient poignant stone

Marks the spot where once

Came pilgrims to see the end of their

Long and hopeful journey.


Marked by circled cross,

A jagged tooth of the Rock of Ages,

Cushioned by grass,

You bid us now to rest and dream.

