Benedictine Spirit in Anglicanism

Many years ago my wife Sabine and I visited the hermitage of New Camaldoli in Big Sur, California. I had recently finished my doctoral dissertation at Cornell University, writing on a fifteenth century Camaldolese named John-Jerome of Prague, and while visiting my brother in the Bay Area, we drove down to Big Sur to see the hermitage and to give them a copy of my thesis for their library. We received a wonderful welcome from the prior, Father Robert Hale, and spent a lovely and unforgettable afternoon there.


I kept up contact with Robert Hale, who passed away in 2018. He had been an Episcopalian, and while he became a Roman Catholic, remained extremely active in ecumenical relations between Anglicans and Catholics. He wrote a wonderful article on the deeply Benedictine character of Anglican worship and spirituality, a topic many others have written about, and one very close to my own heart. I recommend it very highly, and provide the link here:

Robert Hale article

