St Alphonse Liguori: Prayer to the Holy Spirit

When I come across a prayer I like I sometimes feel the need to share it. St Alphonse Liguori was an eighteenth century moral theologian, Doctor of the the Church, bishop and devotional writer. His heartfelt writings have enriched many generations, and this prayer to the Holy Spirit, drawing as it does upon biblical imagery with resonances in devotional and mystical literature across the centuries, strikes me as particularly rich and potentially helpful.

“You are fire; enkindle in me your love.

You are light; enlighten my mind with the knowledge of eternal things.

You are the Dove; 
give me innocence of life.

You are the gentle Breeze; 
disperse the storms of my passions.

You are the Tongue; 
teach me how to bless you always.

You are the Cloud; 
shelter me under the shadow of your protection.

And lastly,  You are the Giver of all heavenly gifts; 
animate me,

I beseech you, with your grace; 
sanctify me

with your charity; 
enlighten me

with your wisdom; 
adopt me by your goodness as your child,

and save me in your infinite mercy;

so that I may ever bless you, praise you, and love you;

first during this life on earth,

and then in heaven for all eternity.



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